Happy Thursday!
I hope you've all had a great week so far, and are ready for the weekend. Today, I'm sharing this office-worthy outfit! The pencil skirt and shoes are both comfortable and professional, which is a great combination for any office event. I think the bold blue Kate Spade adds a great pop of color!
On a personal note, I recently wore this to an event my work puts on called the UNM Anderson Hall of Fame, which honors outstanding alumni from my college. The whole event was so inspiring. It was so great to see people who started off as just regular students and became such influential business-people! What I really loved about the event was the fact that the Hall of Fame alumni were all 40 or older. In today's world, I feel like there is so much pressure to feel like you have everything together at a super young age. It's not uncommon to be compared to those who were running companies and made millions by the age of 25 (especially now that social media is so huge).
Hearing from these people who really took the time to build their successful careers was so refreshing. These aren't people who started with a lot of luck (or a lot of money). They grew, they learned, they made mistakes. They worked hard and earned everything they built. And what really struck me was how humble they were!
If you're feeling lost or unsure of where you're going in your career, please remember that it is totally okay to not have everything figured out yet.