Dark Blue Cardi
9:55:00 AM
With winter weather right around the corner, I decided to take advantage of the fact that it's still warm(ish) enough to ditch the poofy jackets and live in cozy cardigans! For today's look, I paired this deep blue cardi with a white top, white jeans, and these super cute brown booties! I bought the cardigan from Marshalls, but I linked a similar one below.
The booties are, of course, from my favorite online shoe store- Justfab! They were recently having a sale on booties, and how could I say no? If you haven't tried Justfab yet, you definitely should! Your first pair is only $10 and they do super easy returns. Plus, almost all their shoes are under $50, which is right in my price range.
I hope you all have a great week!
Outfit Details